jeudi 25 décembre 2014


Hi everybody!

    I hope you're all having an amazing festive season and that you are enjoying your holidays!
Here is a documentary we made at uni for our final documentary practice assessment. It is definitely different from all I have been doing so far but it was very interesting to explore something new, even if I am not sure that I would like to produce more documentaries in the future, I think I prefer fiction. Anyway, we choose a subject that was rarely treated in documentaries before: pansexuality. 
    As a matter of fact only three recognized films shows that kind of subject. Moreover, Amy was such a lovely person, she was really open to talk about that part of her intimacy with us, we definitely had a great time filming !
I hope our documentary will enlighten you on what pansexuality is!
Have a nice day and a happy new year ! :D

Here is the link to our documentary ==> 

mercredi 17 décembre 2014

This Is Abuse

Hi everybody!

I hope you're all having great holidays! I just came back home a few days ago and I am really enjoying it :D

The project I am going to show you is an exercise we had to do in group (we were 4) for our Video portrait final assessment. Basically, we had to produce a 5-minute video that explores the way that the media represents human subjects. We chose a topic that we thought relevant to these days. As nowadays everybody talks about feminism, we wanted to show and raise awareness about something different, that nobody's really taking that seriously even if it does happen all the time. The video speaks for itself, Enjoy! :D

Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche

jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Dead Dog

Hi everybody!

I hope you're all going very well! Basically, these past 3 weeks I have been busy shooting different projects for my final assignments of this semester. For the Video Technology module, we were in group of four and we had to interpret and shoot a 2 pages script of an existing movie that we absolutely didn't know, in a 2 min video. Moreover, the second part of the evaluation will actually require us to write a 800 words essay to point the differences between our movie and the actual one.

So here is the script we've been given ==> HERE
And here is our interpretation of it:

Hope you'll like it :D See you soon !